

ISTTS is now holding KSP season 6 again with the topic "Non-Photography skills for Photography". The 7th episode of KSP was delivered by one of the lecturers of the ISTTS Visual Communication Design (DKV) department, Mr. Yulius Widi Nugroho, S.Sn., M.Si. or who is familiarly known as Pak Yulius. The seminar, which was held on Thursday, July 16, 2020, was attended by internal ISTTS participants and external participants through the zoom and live streaming YouTube platform. Mr. Yulius explained the non-photography skill material a photographer needs to have in order to develop a photography business.

Why is it necessary to have Non Skill Photography?

The rapid development of technology has resulted in other developments socially, one of which is in the world of photography. In the industrial era 4.0, almost everything needs a visual display and everyone needs communication. For Mr. Yulius, Covid-19 was dubbed a hero because previously industry 4.0 was still in doubt. And now, everyone cannot help but be sued for doing almost anything online.

The era of multimedia development is extraordinary. Youtube and Facebook are now the most widely used social media in the world. Meanwhile, the most used social media in Indonesia are Whatsapp, Instagram, and Line. Therefore we must understand how important social media is for a marketing strategy.

Pak Yulius also emphasized that photography is not as easy as many ordinary people think. Photographers must also be able to communicate with clients, do editing, have techniques in taking pictures and so on.

Then what kind of non-skill photography should you have? According to Mr. Yulius, there are several things a photographer should have. Some of them are:

Digital Skill Retouching
Photographers are required to have editing skills because they are the ones who know the conditions best when photographing objects. Pak Yulius also suggested that a photographer should edit the photos themselves. When using an editor, the photographer must have mature ideas and concepts. Concepts and ideas are needed to retouch raw photos into final photos as desired.

Communication skills
Having communication skills helps photographers to discuss with clients or with their colleagues, such as editors and assistants about the concept to be made.


Writing skills
Writing skills are generally owned by photographers who work in journalism. They keep writing captions and even news scripts to be conveyed to readers. This is useful for balancing information from the image so that it reaches the reader.


Audio visual skills
The use of audio visuals is very high on social media / internet. Photographers certainly have a plus if they have video editing skills. This skill is commonly used for branding, making it one of the most promising things in the photography business. Even though editing can be done by the editor, the photographer can still contribute ideas for the concept to be made.


Marketing skills
According to Mr. Yulius, researching a lot about the target market and opportunities is important in the photography business. Photographers will find markets that match their skills. In addition, photographers are also required to have many creative ideas to attract clients' attention.


Information technology skills
A photographer must also master technology and everything in it. They need to know the characteristics of the various types of social media available, starting from the users and for uploading something. They need to know roughly who the majority of users are so that the business can run according to the target. Although they don't need to master information technology as a whole, at least they must be able to manage business accounts and publish their work properly.


At the end of the material session, Mr. Yulius gave advice on doing a photography business, one of which is important is having a portfolio. This is very useful for improving communication for discussions with clients and also business branding.

The seminar then ended with a question and answer session and sharing between participants and resource persons regarding photography and then ended with taking pictures together and also filling out questionnaires and attendance for participants who had attended the seminar.


Source : https://istts.ac.id/berita/BoPqJ4Q8zD-KSP_Season_6_Episode_7:_NON-PHOTOGRAPHY_SKILLS_FOR_PHOTOGRAPHY
