Marketing for Industry 4.0


Marketing for Industry 4.0

The Knowledge Sharing Program Special or KSP Special held by ISTTS on September 8, 2021, has the theme Marketing for Industry 4.0. This KSP Special is the 2nd KSP Season 10 Episode 2 which was held for ISTTS students and high school / vocational students and was presented by Matthew Lawrenta, S. T. via Zoom Meeting. Mr. Matthew is now teaching as a lecturer at ISTTS. He used to be a graduate of Industrial Engineering from ISTTS and had worked in several companies.

The influence of the internet has brought a shift to the world of marketing. There are 3 major changes that have occurred, such as: exclusive to inclusive, meaning that people have become more open-minded than usual; vertical to horizontal. This means that small companies can also compete with large companies. Big companies no longer always dominate, cannot compete vertically but must innovate horizontally (outward); individual to social, which means that customers are more concerned with and believe in social opinions or opinions. Some economists state that there is a paradox about marketing, namely:

  1. Online Interaction VS Offline Interaction
  2. Informed Customer VS Distracted Customer
  3. Negative Advocacy VS Positive Advocacy

There are 3 community structures that have good power as influencers in this new marketing era, namely young people, women, and netizens. Marketing evolved from 1.0 (product centric), then marketing 2.0 (customer centric), marketing 3.0 (value centric), then marketing 4.0 (digitalization) which is the current era that uses Artificial Intelligent and full IoT Support. Switching from traditional to digital marketing resulted in 4 results, namely the first, Segmentation and Targeting to become Customer Community Confirmation. Second, from Brand Positioning and Differentiation to Brand Clarification of Characters and Codes. Third, from Selling the Four P's to Commercializing the Four C's. Finally, from Customer Service Processes to Collaborative Customer Care.

According to Mr. Matthew, to survive in Industrial Marketing 4.0 is to achieve online and offline markets, find audiences according to our business targets, place strategic positions in business competition, understand products that are selling well, evaluate our business, build good relationships with consumers, provide solutions about what consumers really need, be open and listen to customers, and understand about How People Buy with Five A's (aware, appeal, ask, act, advocate).

The webinar was then closed with a Q&A session and a group photo. Attendance links to get certificates are also shared via Zoom Chat. The next KSP episode will be held on September 14, 2021.
