Jump and Start Your Finance


Jump and Start Your Finance

Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) Season 10 Episode 5 was held on Friday, October 1, 2021 by inviting Mr. Hadyanto Suryadi, S.Kom. as a resource person. He is an ISTTS Informatics alumnus who now works as an Infra Team Lead, NCS Pte Ltd, in Singapore. The webinar entitled “Jump and Start Your Finance” was held online through the Zoom and Youtube platforms.

Who knows when we will stop working? Of course there are times when we feel tired of working and want to enjoy the money we earn. There is an interesting fact that the maximum age to work for men is around 70 years. While in women, namely the age of 74 years. There was an increase in age from previous years. This is because the power of human life is getting higher.

The webinar begins with an explanation of six months saving. The resource person gave an example of a spare tire. There is a kind of possibility that something bad will happen, but we can minimize the risk that will happen. It's the same as emergency savings. We have to be good at managing money. If the management is wrong, the funds you have can be drained before the end of the month or change to the next month.

The webinar was then followed by an explanation about credit cards. Resource persons provide tips and tricks in using credit cards. For example, by setting a limit based on your income budget, always paying bills in full and on time. "Choose a credit card according to our habits, don't force yourself to spend more money," said the source.

Next, the speakers turned to talk about investment. Please note that investing is not the same as trading. "Don't buy investments with the same product, you have to look for investments with different risks," he said. The resource person also reminded us not to borrow money in the hope that the investment we run will be profitable.

The webinar was then closed with a question and answer session and a group photo. The next KSP episode will be held on October 6, 2021.
